MassMATE 2010 Conference May 27, 2010 at Bay Point Inn and Conference Center, Portsmouth, RI
Supporting Effective Instruction in the Mathematics Classroom through Technology, Coaching, and Mathematics (Professional) Learning Communities
To make sure of the relevance of involving digital technologies in the process of learning at school, you can buy sociology papers with the results of a survey of both students and teachers. By examining the attitudes and beliefs of students, parents, teachers, administrators, and other relevant individuals, the survey can shed light on the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating digital technologies in the classroom. Such initiatives can facilitate evidence-based decision-making, curriculum design, and the development of effective pedagogical practices that harness the potential of digital tools while addressing challenges and ensuring equitable access to quality education. The 2010 MassMATE Symposium was a resounding success with over 160 attendees! As teacher educators, teachers of mathematics, professional development providers, district math specialists, and consultants, our members are regularly involved in supporting teachers as they work in their classrooms and with their students. Through this symposium we will examine three avenues which may be employed to help teachers inhance their instructional effectiveness. We thank everyone who worked hard to make it happen! Talk descriptions and useful links provided by the presenters are below.
Keynote Speaker Dr. Suzanne H. Chapin Boston University School of Education |
Linking Pre-Service Teachers' and Students' Understanding of Geometric Measurement The keynote presentation will focus on the current work surrounding the Elementary Pre-service Teachers Mathematics Project. The goals of the project are to develop and test learning materials and teaching strategies which enhance mathematics content courses for future elementary and special education teachers. These teaching and learning materials help teachers think deeply about geometric measurement and link these concepts to children’s thinking about mathematics. Suzanne Chapin will share examples of tasks, responses by future teachers, and other findings from the project.
Robert Thomas Boston University |
Using Free Web Resources to Support Math Instruction in the K-8 Classroom A large and growing collection of free online resources is available to the classroom teacher to support mathematics instruction. These resources can help students develop fluency, interact with virtual manipulatives, explore mathematical models, and apply skills in simulated real world activities. The presenter will provide sources of exemplary sites and online tools. Tips on finding, posting and adapting resources will be provided, as well as suggestions for using online resources to help differentiate instruction.
Patricia Emmons Bridgewater State College Ralph Paine Chelsea Public Schools |
Beginning Coaching This session will engage participants in a discussion about getting started with the coaching process. They will participate in a simulated coaching experience, learn about key relationship building, and learn how to take the first steps toward coaching in a positive, successful manner. A first hand research model of a coaching experience will demonstrate getting started and beginning conversations about best practices in the classroom. Lastly, participants will collaborate and develop specific questions that will be discussed in the afternoon session (E).
Douglas Holley Hingham Public Schools Leanna Russell Whitman-Hanson Regional School District Chris Kalinowski Mansfield Public Schools Thomas Gorsuch Stoughton Public Schools |
Common Core State Standards Panel Discussion A draft of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics was released in March 2010 and for a few weeks was available for public comment. Massachusetts is one of 48 states collaborating on these standards. The panel will discuss the details of the standards, their possible impact on mathematics education, and the panel's concerns about the draft. Approximately half of the session will be given for questions and for audience members to comment.

Supt. Susan Skeiber Duxbury Public Schools Joanne McDonald Bridgewater State College Kathleen Buckley Brockton Public Schools William Kendall Braintree Public Schools |
Teaching Mathematics for 21st Century Learners (K – 12) Teaching math today requires a slight adjustment to our traditional methods of instruction. Three districts came together and created change within their teaching and learning environments. During this presentation, we will share our learning experiences, professional development opportunities, and how a simple challenge created a new common vocabulary, new hallway conversations, and a new excitement shared throughout our learning communities. Teacher leaders will gain exposure to free, easily accessible Web 2.0 technologies (Wiggio, Moodle, JING, and more) with focus on the learning of math content while applying 21st Century skills. Samples of teacher developed classroom uses of Web 2.0 will be demonstrated. Participants will walk away with resources, tutorials and innovative ideas to share with teachers in their district.
Patricia Emmons Bridgewater State College Ralph Paine Chelsea Public Schools |
Models of Coaching Coaching is not new to Massachusetts. Several districts around the state have trained teachers or are starting to train teachers or administrators to become math coaches. There are a myriad of coaching models that involve different ideas about coaching. This session will engage participants in various research based models of coaching. The coaching cycle and how it can vary with each model will be addressed. Participants will be encouraged to engage in a question and answer period and discussion around the various models. Participants will also become knowledgeable about various resources available to begin the process of coaching in their district.
Sandra Mayrand Wendy Cleaves Regional Science Resource Center University of Massachusetts Medical School |
Developing Mathematics Learning Communities Focusing on Student Work (K – 8) This session will focus on the differences between facilitating a professional learning community and providing professional development. The presenters will share a protocol that can be used to assess students’ understanding by analyzing student work samples. Learn how to use this method to identify misconceptions, increase student achievement, and promote collegial conversations. Participants will become members of a model mathematics learning community for a more in-depth look.
MassMATE is an affiliate of Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE).
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